From the developer behind the sounds of the FlyByWire A32NX, FlightFX Vision Jet, and the Cirrus SR-22, comes the long-awaited Cessna 172 Sound Set for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Using hours of real interior and exterior recordings made with industry-grade equipment, the Boris Audio Works team brings a complex sound set for the legendary C172 Skyhawk.
This set is compatible with the default Cessna 172, both the steam gauge and G1000 version. It is also fully compatible with the WBSim 172 modification, all in one package. This is a comprehensive sound overhaul that includes features such as:
- Dynamic engine sounds
- Wind and aerodynamic drag
- Buttons, switches, knobs, and levers
- Fuel pump
- Batteries, gyros, and avionics fans*
- Dynamic touchdowns and ground rolls*
- Stall horn with several stages changing intensity depending AOA
- And more!
*This is different in the steam gauge vs G1000 versions. The batteries and gyros make sounds in the steam gauge, while the G1000 is silent, just like the real aircraft. The ground roll of the steam gauge Skyhawk has a different wheel bearing, making the wheel spinning noise sound slightly different.
Available since
Supported Simulators
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
Supported Operating System
Installation Method
Contrail App
Download Size
42.4 MB
Installation Size
44.5 MB
Reviews can be written and liked using the
Contrail App
Review by Robert
| current version is
If you want to experience a sound set that really immerses you in a 172 then you should buy this addon. It is totally worth the price.