FSWeekend Challenges MSFS
FSWeekend Challenges MSFS
FSWeekend Challenges MSFS
FSWeekend Challenges MSFS

FSWeekend Challenges

  • FREE

Contrail App
Desktop Client
Contrail App
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
Designed For
MSFS 2020
Developed By

Try the Contrail challenges at home! The Contrail Shop conducted landing challanges at the 2025 FlightSimWeekend in Lelystad. 

Over 100 people participated in landing challenges at KSFO San Francisco and LPMA Madeira Airport.

Can you beat their score? Remember, each participant only had one try!

Please note that the aircraft listed below are required to complete the landing challenges.

Available since

Supported Simulators
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020


Supported Operating System

Installation Method
Contrail App

Download Size
28.6 MB

Installation Size
29 MB


  1. Start MSFS 2020
  2. Navigate to Activities > Custom Content
  3. Select and load the landing challenge
  4. Note that auto throttle is engaged. Either disconnect it early or dial back the speed.

KSFO Landing Challenge

This product combination was used for the KSFO landing challenge

Airport: San Francisco

Approach RWY 28L over glassy water. KSFO was used in the morning challenge at the FSWeekend 2025

LPMA Landing Challenge

This product combination was used for the LPMA landing challenge

Airport: Madeira

Time to test your skills! Madeira was used in the afternoon challenge at the FSWeekend 2025

High Scores

Can you beat their score? Remember, each participant only had one try!

  • KSFO San Francisco - Saturday

    Daniel - 1,336,099

    Kai - 1,224,782

    Carter - 1,136,058

    Bas - 1,016,400

    Noah - 1,013,695

    Timon - 954,890

    Matthias - 873,300

    Rob - 724,842

    William - 707,256

    Josh - 499,268

    Nick - 450,016

    Liam - 405,201

    Andries - 392,392

    Jonathan - 377,790

    Timo - 366,224

    Christian - 234,080

    Nick - 221,250

    Luheng - 167,144

    Jurjen - 118,581

    Fedde - 112,840

    Ian - 83,460

    Christoph - 32,648

    Sander - 272

    Jimi - 194

  • LPMA Madeira - Saturday

    Sam - 1,267,553

    Maurice - 1,221,716

    Daniel - 980,115

    Zar - 978,537

    Dylan - 935,101

    Peter - 839,592

    Archie - 802,201

    Detlef - 778,820

    Kai - 700,000

    Carter - 665,667

    Ian - 632,960

    Karst - 602,769

    Sam - 561,411

    Nick - 515,320

    Cristian - 420,224

    Timon - 293,514

    Martin - 270,160

  • KSFO San Francisco - Sunday

    Sjoerd - 1,454,100

    Tjark - 1,435,896

    Ben - 1,353,814

    Jack - 1,329,384

    Ryan - 1,329,377

    Tommy - 1,283,590

    Max - 1,216,880

    Yannick - 1,116,000

    Josia - 1,034,398

    Floris - 1,028,454

    Aron - 904,626

    Jasper - 859,740

    Will - 857,406

    Oliver - 849,724

    Bas - 745,536

    Benisty - 727,344

    Justus - 586,488

    Archie - 574,014

    Thijn - 487,994

    Hans - 464,750

  • LPMA Madeira - Sunday

    Tjark - 1,581,669

    Tommy - 1,433,361

    Ryan - 1,273,896

    Douke - 1,255,215

    Aron - 1,213,524

    Yannick - 1,208,066

    Max - 1,184,936

    Josia - 1,005,242

    Thomas - 1,001,523

    Matthijs - 978,920

    Andres - 924,887

    Peter - 904,256

    Erik - 900,346

    Will - 874,874

    Jack - 836,595

    Artur - 835,649

    Nazar - 771,030

    NoLey - 759,577

    Maxx - 733,920

    Stephan - 719,102

    Daniel - 674,732

    Dimas - 475,986

    Lucas - 419,202

    Ben - 393,948