Try the Contrail challenges at home! The Contrail Shop conducted landing challanges at the 2025 FlightSimWeekend in Lelystad.
Over 100 people participated in landing challenges at KSFO San Francisco and LPMA Madeira Airport.
Can you beat their score? Remember, each participant only had one try!
Please note that the aircraft listed below are required to complete the landing challenges.
Available since
Supported Simulators
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
Supported Operating System
Installation Method
Contrail App
Download Size
28.6 MB
Installation Size
29 MB

- Start MSFS 2020
- Navigate to Activities > Custom Content
- Select and load the landing challenge
- Note that auto throttle is engaged. Either disconnect it early or dial back the speed.
KSFO Landing Challenge
This product combination was used for the KSFO landing challenge
Approach RWY 28L over glassy water. KSFO was used in the morning challenge at the FSWeekend 2025
LPMA Landing Challenge
This product combination was used for the LPMA landing challenge
Time to test your skills! Madeira was used in the afternoon challenge at the FSWeekend 2025
High Scores
Can you beat their score? Remember, each participant only had one try!